Welcome to HfE

A Global Network of Observatories

Humanities for the Environment (HfE) is a global organization of observatories working together to mobilize the arts and humanities. Our goal is to address social and environmental challenges in civil society and academic life.

Our observatories have established a number of important humanities-led partnerships with international organizations, universities and institutes promoting social and environmental justice, sustainable global and regional transformations, and research and action to deliver the SDGs.

Global Projects
Global Affiliates

Together they provide cross-regional platforms for sharing knowledge, understanding and vital new approaches to building a just and sustainable world.

Featured Exhibits


The ECOtarot deck enables us to perform “Climate Future” readings. With the deck, Adriene Jenik invites others to join her to “channel” scientific facts and modeled projections related to human-driven climate disruption through the layered form and meanings of tarot.

Tidal Timespace

Tides, especially ones connected to estuaries and mudflats, perform polyrhythmic writings and erasings; concealing and revealing their ghostly spectral traces at ebb tide.

Global networks
and collaborations

Our observatories network universities, community organizations and a range of local and regional partners to forge new collaborations among humanists, artists, scientists, policymakers, entrepreneurs and engineers in the public and private sectors.
Food Futures

Food Futures

Delve into the future of our food production, consumption, and distribution.


UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme Sustainability Science Coalition.
Through the Portal of COVID-19

Through the Portal of COVID-19

Visioning the Environmental Humanities as a Community of Purpose.

Research Projects

Our community is engaged in a range of projects, including faculty research projects, collaborative faculty-student endeavors, and community based research projects.


Explore our resources, from replicable projects, publications, to events and more.