One of the significant aspects I bring to this group of academics is providing artistic methodologies & processes to complement & represent the research findings to a mass multi-cultural audience. The goal and vision of my art is to elicit participation and deliver a philosophy of collaboration and cooperation. Themes include repurposing, beauty, resilience, biodiversity, sharing, composting, water harvesting, LFE (local food economy),urban gardening, social justice & reciprocity. This practice of socially engaged art, awakens our senses to the possible. It invites right brain thinking. It supports the necessary shift in how we think about and engage with the natural world. It is an art practice that empowers people. Change for the better happens when we tap into human emotion.  We become excited when we experience what the Earth produces and how delicious “homegrown” foods taste! AND, we become inspired, find a sense of purpose & reverence through our multi-sensory experiences with Art.

Currently, Joan is facilitating The Heritage Grain Trials at Clark Park Community Gardens in Tempe, AZ…a program  developed by the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, whose co-founders (Bill McDorman & Belle Starr) are based in Cornville, Az. This program  introduces  ancient grains, to be included as part of a comprehensive farming system that focuses on growing the highest  source of  caloric intake.  In addition, Joan’s “FoodintheAlley” recently added the LEHR Garden methodology. This food production system is regenerative;  using compostable materials to produce rich soil from the ground up. It grows food faster, seeking to provide a much needed solution to food deserts.